When you access or use our Website, we automatically collect information about you. This information is used to provide statistical data about our users browsing actions and patterns, and does not personally identify individuals. This information may include:

  • (i) Log Information: the type of browser you use, access times, pages viewed, your IP address, and the page you visited before navigating to our services
  • (ii) Device Information: information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our services, including the hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information.

The collection and processing of this technical data is for the purpose of enabling the use of our Website, continuously ensuring system security and stability, optimising our Website, and for internal statistical purposes. This is our legitimate interest in the processing of data in the sense of Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. f GDPR.

4. Data processing

4.1 Data processing

We may collect information about your computer, including your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual.

Furthermore, the IP addresses will be evaluated, together with other data, in case of attacks on the network infrastructure or other unauthorised use or misuse of the Website, for the purpose of intelligence and protection, and if appropriate, used in criminal proceedings for identification and civil and criminal proceedings against the relevant users. This is our legitimate interest in the processing of data in the sense of Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. f GDPR.

4.1 IP Addresses

This policy (“Policy”, together with our Terms of Use) explains and sets out the basis for why and when we collect personal information about the people who visit our Website(s), how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and the measures we take to keep it secure.

By visiting this Website you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Policy. Please note that this includes consenting to the collection and processing of any personal information you provide, as described below. We may amend this Policy from time to time so please check it occasionally to ensure that you agree with any changes. Your continued use of our Website will constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to, any changes.

Privacy policy

  1. General information

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of:

  • (i) the kinds of Personal Information we may collect about you and how it may be used;
  • (ii) use of information regarding IP Addresses and our use of cookies;
  • (iii) disclosure of Personal Information to third parties;
  • (iv) the transfer of your Personal Information within and outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”);
  • (v) your ability to correct, update and delete your Personal Information;
  • (vi) the security measures we have in place to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of Personal Information under our control;
  • (vii) Qset's retention of your Personal Information.

2. Purpose

For any matters relating to data protection you may contact invest@qset.ai in writing by e-mail.

3. Responsible person

Email: invest@qset.ai
Qset 2024 All rights reserved